
Like Volunter Young Missionary

For me as a young volunteer  missionary and first commitment is to work with young people in my local church and also share the youth people from other places I visited as a missionary trip or kids camp and always has been a teach like the news from God and try to encourage young people who are spiritually and physically lost and confused trying to get himself shape but fall back to the same things, sometimes are very dificult to share to everybody or for other reasons we wanted to have more time with them but my time is not important just  take advantage of what little I have, and also with the children triyng to make understand that children  are still can not understand and obey as they promise when they sharing with us and  I'm certainly confident that I  if I do my part and after  God will  take care of everything with the child or young.
As elsewhere in the world the same thing happens with the youth they have youth club in every church with them, what you need to do is share with each youth individually, encourage wondering what goes on inside the family and there are many negative things that happen but they never want share.
Sometimes I have no more words to say when they share and it touches my heart.
This is just the begening.


My dreams are be coming true

I have been long time looking always forward to get any financial suport to be a Missionary Pilot and I asked to God ,I m tried best I can and nothing is happen nobody can be interested about my dreams ,in some time my family asked to me when you will be Pilot and the time is going to the end but you are still in same place you have to look other ways if not let those emocional things get done and find other way for you family..
After that my friend he say ,never give up and I know God have have timing for you in the future, but I never thrust to him and I was very close to get done in the Aviation stuff ,for difficlut moment like in economic support, sponsor and family.
Finally I have last oportunity to share many of the young people from my village and  thank you for you prayers, suporters and to trusth to me..
God bless you.


I need you prayers and I m really complicate situacion

After been many years working like volunter s I have decide to separate for different situation in my local church and myself I m tried to get out from thiese situstion and not is easy also I does t not read bible I only listenig in broad cast radio signal and these was small refresh in my soul and every day I m emitional life sad and confuse .....I only trust to God .....Blessing
                                                I was born in the Jungle an I m Waorani Young man